Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Coming Soon!

I mentioned once on my Facebook page that I was taking a break from blogging and social media to focus on studying. My days consist of working out, eating, and studying. That's about it. With the hours spent everyday trying to prepare for the personal training exam, I decided to take the break. However, I realized that I didn't mention it on the blog!

I am so excited to begin a new chapter and a new career path and I have learned so much about myself during the transition. I've grown so much and healed so much that I can't wait to share all my experiences and new-found knowledge with you! I'm still going to be quiet here but I will still be posting on my Facebook page so be sure to Like The STRONG Life on Facebook to get the latest. :-)

I will be back in September with posts to help you become strong physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is a constant growing and learning process as we move through our lives and while I share my journey with you, it is my hope that you will join me, share with me and be inspired!

Here is what to expect:

  • Continuation of The Wifely Life Series which shares my experiences, findings and the overall fun (or "fun") that comes with being a wife and military wife
  • Inspiration quotes and scriptures that will sometimes come in the form of free printables
  • Love Challenges! Not just on marriage but also focusing on loving yourself and God
  • Pep Talks and Tips for motivation, inspiration and/or ideas to keep you on track of being STRONG
  • Snippets of what I eat and collected recipes for getting on the clean eating track
  • Workout plans for the gym, at home, and my own progress (did I mention that I want to compete someday?! Ahh!)
  • DIYs around the home (decor and makeshift workout equipment) I got a fun project lined up for the first of this series! I gotta pretty up a bar my husband built!
  • Sharing anything and everything I find that helps me learn and will help you learn too!

Now, I'll be back in September on a regular schedule but between now and then, I just know my blogger itch will need to be scratched and I'll probably post a few times. All this studying is turning my brain to mush and I need a break every now and then! So I'll see you soon! :-)

~ Melina 

My silly girl interrupting my studying time ;-)

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