Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Peach & Yellow Squash Smoothie

I read an article once from, of course go figure that I didn't save it to link to it, but it described how a person can train their tastebuds to like different flavors over time. Also, that in associating positive feelings with the flavors we "think" we don't like, we can learn to "like" the stuff we never eat or crave.

I am in a constant battle with diet and it is frustrating because now that working out on a daily basis and running is like second nature, I am to the point that my diet is holding me back from truly seeing the results I want for my body. I definitely know that a healthy diet needs veggies! But I'm a girl raised hating veggies! So on to the training of my taste buds. I'll try anything at this point to like a vegetable.

I decided the way I'd go about it is to make veggie smoothies with fruit as my first plan of attack. I made Spinach and Banana smoothies and loved it, but Spinach is an easy introduction for someone like me. lol.

So this week, while at the grocery store, I decided to tackle Squash. Yellow Squash for this week's smoothie fun! I learned that it is a good source of Fiber, Vitamin C and low in Fat! I am no chef, and so I couldn't decide what fruit might go best with Yellow Squash. However, I have read many food blogs that always say, just try it! What is the worst that could happen? If I don't like it, I won't drink it!

So here is my Peach and Yellow Squash Smoothie Recipe!

I also added a dash of Cinnamon and some Chia seeds. All in all, the flavor was quite good and reminded me of Oatmeal cookies. It tasted delish! And all in all, it was only about 180 Calories! I'd definitely make it again. Some adjustments you might make might be less squash or more peaches, it's all on your preference!

I finally have a Facebook page up and running for this blog where I probably will share a ton of stuff on fitness and motivation. Be sure to Like The Strong Life on Facebook!

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