Monday, December 1, 2014

How to Overcome Commitment-phobia

I have a confession. . . I am a commitment-phobe.

If you were to talk to the people closest to me they would probably tell you that it is virtually impossible to get my word on showing up somewhere or to start something and finish it to completion.

Even in the workplace I would be known as the employee with ADD. I might start a workout program and stop a couple weeks in. I have even tried a couple comebacks at this blog only to stop again.

I didn’t used to always be this way and old posts will show you that I haven’t but life isn’t black and white. Things change. People change. I have definitely changed. I have turned into a person who can’t commit. For this month for my Bucket List Challenge I have to join a gym or fitness program somewhere. I have to actually put money into something! As I search for memberships at different places I find myself asking for month-to-month or for free trials because I absolutely will not sign for a year to anything at this point!

But what about when enough is enough and you want to change your life? You have to commit. You have to commit to yourself.

The problem is that when I make a list of people I don’t want to let down, I don’t put myself at the top at all. If we don’t put ourselves first and love ourselves the most, how can we be any good for anyone else that we care about?

I don’t have the answer for you. Sorry. I am struggling with this at this stage in my life but maybe if you are in the same place as me, maybe we can ask these questions to ourselves together. . .

What makes you happy?
Whether you get paid or not, pretend whatever it is you love will be your purpose.

What can you do today to bring you closer to that happiness?
Well today I went for a run and I have published another post! What about you?

What small commitment can you start today?
Start a workout plan. . . daunting. Blog everyday, how about 3 times a week to start? Wake up an hour early for a 10 minute meditation every morning? How about one minute every morning?
Baby steps will help train your mind.

I was considering joining this gym or that gym. But every morning I struggle with the thought of strapping on my sneakers and going out my door for a run! (Frickin’ snoozebutton!) I shall start there and commit to morning runs before throwing my money away. Your journey is your own. You have the steps you want to accomplish but you need to accept that you are allowed to accomplish them on your time.

Share your answers to the above questions in the comments below or LIKE The STRONG Life on Facebook and share over there!


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